Forgotten Valley

Home Denver Gunnison

"100 Classic Hikes in Colorado - Second Edition" by Scott S. Warren

Published by The Mountaineers Books


Forgotten Valley

Distance: 2.4 miles Round Trip

Hiking Time:    2 Hours

Elevation:    8,200 feet


Covering some 14,000 acres of the Front Range west of Denver, Golden Gate Canyon State Park harbors not only a number of beautiful natural areas but also some rather alluring historical secrets as well.  One easy-to-reach destination within the park that offers hikers both scenery and a palpable taste of the past is Forgotten Valley.

May 21, 2003

It was a very nice trail but I was more struck with the area itself.  I had no idea this place existed and is one of the few places I could see myself buying some property which seemed to be reasonable based on a couple for sale signs.


Here's the pics (Click on the picture to see full size):

These are low res pictures.  I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them


Forgotten Valley


The Valley from Above